
Green Consultancy Melava
Green Consultancy Melava

Date: 03 July 2022
Subject: Green Consultancy Melava

Melava glimpse
Green Consultancy Melava- A Successful event of the interactions of people who deeply care about the environment!

Date: 03 July 2022
Subject: Green Consultancy melava

स्वयंसेवक स्नेहमेळावा
स्वयंसेवक स्नेहमेळावा

Date: 02 July 2022
Subject: स्वयंसेवक स्नेहमेळावा

Poornam Team with Persistent Foundation Team
Putting the E-waste to its Best use! - Refurbished Laptop Donation

Date: 01 July 2022
Subject: Refurbished Laptop Donation

Laptop donation at Persistent Foundation
Refurbished Laptop Donation at Persistent Foundation

Date: 17 June 2022
Subject: E-waste refurbished laptop donation

retired employees of Canara bank were present at this lecture
Grey Has Always Been the new Green!- Poornam Ecovision's Foundation Intro-lecture with senior citizens

Date: 14 June 2022
Subject: Grey Has Always Been the new Green!